Saturday, January 5, 2008

Quarter 3 Calendar

Welcome back seventh graders!

We've got a really exciting quarter planned in Rm. 503. Having finished our unit about the Civil War, we'll start to learn about how the United States healed the wounds that were caused by the North fighting the South. Here's the schedule, kiddos:

January 7-25: Reconstruction

We'll learn about how the U.S.A. reunified after the Civil War. We'll also learn about laws that were passed that were supposed to give former slave full citizenship. Finally, we'll learn about the rise of the Klu Klux Klan and how racism persisted in the United States well after slavery was outlawed.

January 28-February 15: The United States Becomes a World Power

We'll learn now about how the U.S. transformed from a small country to a world power. We'll study the experience of immigrants who came to the U.S. from Italy, Ireland, Russia, and Mexico. We'll learn about U.S. involvement in major world conflicts. Finally, we'll learn about people in the United States who recognized the changing times, and worked to make their country a better place.

February 18-March 4: The Great Depression

When we study the Great Depression, we'll learn about one of the biggest tragedies in our country's history. Millions of people lost all their life savings and suffered through extreme poverty. We'll learn about what the U.S. government did to help its citizens rebuild their lives and how those programs continue to matter in our world today.

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